- Postcards from
Times Square: Sights & Sentiments from the Last Century by George L. Lankevich
- Postcards from
Vermont: A Social History, 1905-1945 by Allen Freeman Davis
- Postcards from
Washington, D.C.: Sights and Sentiments from the Nation's Capital by Pamela Apkarian
- Postcards from
World War II: Sights & Sentiments from the Second World War by Robynn Clairday
- Postcards of
Hitler's Germany, 1923-1936: Postal Stationery, Printed to Private Order, Propaganda,
Volume 1 by Roger James Bender
- Postcards of
Hitler's Germany, 1937-1939: Postal Stationery, Printed to Private Order, Propaganda,
Volume 2 by Roger James Bender
- Postmarked
Yesteryear: Art of the Holiday Postcard by Pamela E. Apkarian-Russell
- Santa Catalina
Island in Vintage Postcards (CA) (Postcard History Series) by Marlin Hickman
- Santa Monica in
Vintage Postcards (CA) (Postcard History Series) by Marlin L. Heckman
- Santa Rosa (CA)
(Postcard History Series) by Bob Voliva
- Sarasota-Bradenton
(FL) (Postcard History Series) by Bonnie Wilpon
- Season's Greetings
from the White House by Mary Evans Seeley
- Sevierville,
Gatlinburg, and Maryville: A Postcard Tour (TN) (Postcard History Series) by Elena
Irish Zimmerman
- Somerset County in
Vintage Postcards (MD) (Postcard History Series) by John E. Jacob
- Somerset County
Postcards (NJ) (Postcard History Series) by Alan A. Siegel
- South Carolina in
Postcards: Vol 1, Charleston, Berkeley & Dorchester Counties (Postcard History Series)
by Howard Woody
- South Carolina in
Postcards: Vol 2, Southern Carolina (Postcard History Series) by Howard Woody
- South Carolina
Postcards: Vol 3, West Central Carolina (Postcard History Series) by Howard Woody
- South Carolina
Postcards: Vol. 4, Lexington County and Lake Murray (Postcard History Series) by
Howard Woody
- South Carolina
Postcards: Vol 6, Newberry County (Postcard History Series) by Howard Woody
- South Carolina
Postcards: Vol. 7, Kershaw County by Woody Howard
- South Dakota
1900-1930 in Vintage Postcards (Postcard History Series) by Richard L. Popp
- Southern Chester
County in Postcards (PA) (Postcard History Series) by Geny Rodebough
- Spartanburg, South
Carolina (Postcard History Series) by Jeffrey R. Willis
- Sports Postcard
Price Guide: A Comprehensive Reference by Joseph L. Mashburn
- St. Joseph, MO: A
Postcard History (Postcard History Series) by Robyn L. Davis
- St. Petersburg
Postcards (FL) (Postcard History Series) by Wynelle Deese
- St. Petersburg: In
Vintage Postcards by Donald D. Spencer
- Tampa Postcards
(FL) (Postcard History Series) by Robert J. Kaiser
- Terre Haute &
Vigo County in Vintage Postcards (Postcard History Series) by Doroty W. Jerse
- Three for a Nickel:
Marthas Vineyard Postcards, 1900-1925 by Patricia H. Rodgers
- Tifton, Georgia in
Vintage Postcards (Postcard History Series) by William R. Wells
- Times Square and
42nd Street in Vintage Postcards (NY) (Postcard History Series) by Randall Gabrielan

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