"VIRGINIA MANUFACTORY CONFEDERATE ALTERATION MUSKET. SN NSN. Cal. 69. Mr. Michel describes this gun as follows: "Bolster alteration to percussion of Virginia Manufactory musket. Lockplate of musket marked forward of hammer 'Virginia Manufactory' and at tail 'Richmond 1815'. Alteration by the Union Manufacturing Co. of Richmond. Bolster of muskets altered by Union Manufacturing Co. is rounded at bottom and frequently shows round trace of brazed screw filling the hole drilled through to the vent hole. Lockplate is filed to conform to rounded contour of bolster. Re-assembly marks are generally the letter 'U' and a number, or just a number, in this case '6'. Mainspring is missing". CONDITION: Bbl is brown and smooth with pitting. Lock is smooth, brown with good markings. Buttplate and trigger guard are brown with pitting. Assembly number "4" occurs on buttplate, sideplate, trigger guard, and bbl. Bands are not assembly marked and are replaced. Stock forward of rear band is restored. Remainder of stock is solid with scattered dings, cracks, scratches, and gouges. 4-31274 JS207 (3,000-5,000)"
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Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (5mm,7mm,9mm & 12mm)
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Basic one shell
16 gauge kit
for pinfire shotgun
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Includes a brass
case, a cap holder, a firing pin and a long screw
Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (7mm & 9mm)
Revive your antique guns
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