"MORSE CARBINE THIRD MODEL SN 743. Cal. 50. This is a good example of the standard production Morse carbine. Most production Morses were in this final model. Mr. Michel, in his notes, describes this gun as follows: "The Type III carbine, also manufactured at the State Military Works in Greenville, SC, retains the flanged rod device, but now the sliding breechblock is made of iron. Type III carbines are in the 350 serial number range until the end of production". CONDITION: Brass frame, nose cap, and buttplate have pleasant patination over scattered nicks, gouges, and scratches, especially nicked around latch, where someone did not know to cock gun to open. Bbl is brown and smooth with scattered pitting, especially at muzzle. Forestock appears to be made of tiger maple and is possibly restored. 4-31340 JS116 (15,000-20,000)"
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Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (5mm,7mm,9mm & 12mm)
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Basic one shell
16 gauge kit
for pinfire shotgun
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Includes a brass
case, a cap holder, a firing pin and a long screw
Reloading kit for pinfire cartridges (7mm & 9mm)
Revive your antique guns
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